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Perfect Tides.
Citation needed.
Didn't that turn out to be a weather balloon launched by an amateur meteorology club?
"Now listen to my story, yes listen while I sing Of days of old in England, when Arthur was the king, Of Merlin the magician, and Guinevere the queen, And Lancelot, the bravest knight the world has ever seen.
In days of old, when knights were bold, this story’s told Of Lancelot.
He rode the wilds of England, adventures for to seek, To rescue maidens in distress and help the poor and weak. If anyone oppressed you, he'd be your champion. He fought a million battles, though he never lost a one.
In days of old, when knights were bold, This story’s told of Lancelot. In days of old, when knights were bold, this story’s told Of Lancelot."
From an old TV show, you can listen to it here.
No idea whether that's the origin of the line, but it's the oldest occurrence I managed to find.
Children here in the Netherlands use : as a divisor symbol. I don't know whether the ÷ sign is particularly American, but it's not universal.
Except chiropractors also occasionally maim and murder people.
Your problem is using your personal machine for work.
It's easy, you just put your fist out so the wolf bites down on it. Then you simply shove your whole arm down its throat.
Interesting tidbit: in the Netherlands all schools are publicly funded, including religious ones.
The more I learn about nuclear the less it makes sense. It's a great source of energy but it's complex and expensive to maintain. Solar, wind, hydro and geothermal are simple and becoming cheaper by the day. It's hard to imagine a scenario in which we ever require more energy than those combined could provide.