Playstation tends to cater to people who like turn based games, aka interactive slideshows.
What games do you have in mind that are turn based?
Playstation tends to cater to people who like turn based games, aka interactive slideshows.
What games do you have in mind that are turn based?
Not sure if you're joking or not, but that teaser was for Sekiro.
I miss Wildstar. I hope there will be some private servers in the future to keep the game alive.
Looking good, som man säger i amerikat.
Do people really read more than 600 tweets everyday? Sounds like a lot.
Doesn't seem to work on my phone, it just freezes.
This is my experience with Spotify.
My biggest problem with Lemmy is that I can't google it without getting a bunch of Lemmy results.
That was satisfying! I haven't played the Judgment games yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Jag använde den för att träna inför en anställningsintervju. Tyckte den gav bra svar på frågorna och man kan ju mata in lite om sig själv för att få det mer personligt.
There's a link to it in the post.
Reminds me of Oldblivion. It was amazing being able to play that game with a Geforce 3.