
joined 2 years ago
[–] Kyyrypyy 51 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well, according to the legend, by Ovid, she most likely is. She is described as a fair haired maiden, which results Poseidon forcim himself upon her in the temple of Pallas Athene, and therefore Athene punished Medusa by making her hair venomous snakes, and her gaze to turn people to stone.

She was genuinely a victim, and had all the reason for defending heeself, while probably being more kind than any other character mentioned in association with her. Hell, the reason she was killed was that some dude didn't have a horse to give to another dude, so he sent his son to get medusas help. And then that kid had divine aid for killing Medusa, who up to this point has been nothing but a victim for the entertainment of gods.

[–] Kyyrypyy 2 points 1 year ago

How about understanding that "intelligence" is something that you, as a person, were not born with, but learned. If you are more intelligent that your "dumber" counterpart, you will also understand that they will likely have a different way they learn more effective, compared to how you've gotten so intelligent. And if you feel you can't learn anything from anyone around you, it might be that you just don't want to learn. Similarly, the "dumber" people might be uninterested in the subjects you feel are important for building intelligence.

[–] Kyyrypyy 11 points 1 year ago

If I'm not mistaken, the preference was to be able to subscribe to the community, as you see it on your feed, as you resonate with the content posted alongside the core implication of the community. Going to another website to search said instance just to subscribe,is much MORE work, than 3 clicks.

[–] Kyyrypyy 24 points 2 years ago

To be fair, the skincolour technically does two jobs; while darker skin protects you better from sunburn, the lighter skin also absorbs vitamin D from the light (and darker skin also protects ou from getting too much of that D). That is why the skincolour gets lighter, the more north you go, as the sun does not provide as much said vitamin.

Why am I mentioning this, well, the traditional bane of nordic hemisphere people is depression due to the lack of said vitamin D, during the time the sun just don't come up, so if anyone with a darker skintone migrates here: remenber to supplement that extra D, because even the pale snowpeople have issues getting enough naturally.

[–] Kyyrypyy 9 points 2 years ago

To be fair, I've learned to sleep with my toes under the blanket regardless of the warmth of the enviroinment. Not because of this, but because I have cats. Cat's love playing with toes peeking out under the blanket. Cats are nocturnal.

[–] Kyyrypyy 13 points 2 years ago

"Don't hate the prayer, hate the game."

There I fixed it.

[–] Kyyrypyy 19 points 2 years ago (9 children)

Can't wait for either open source community, or the pirate community, for starting to jailbreak HP printers. To be honest, if I was more savvy with tech, I'd probably start taking that as a fun little challenging hobby.

[–] Kyyrypyy 3 points 2 years ago

Quite precisely. This of course would cause a "bubble", but would also preserve their unhinged posts for the media to highlight.

And if they come to something like, many will mix up human right violations as "just your everyday political opinions", and get the boot, so it's more handier for them, as a party, to curate what the party represents.

[–] Kyyrypyy 13 points 2 years ago (2 children)

There is nothing wrong with politicans using mastodon, and they will start using it when ex-twitter statistically show losing popularity. However, the same rules apply for the politicans, as does anyone else. That's why they'll probably start creating their own instances for their parties. And luckily people can decide to not to follow them (god I hated twitter when there was any local, or American voting going on. The promotional spam was unhinged).

[–] Kyyrypyy 4 points 2 years ago

Things are bad, and they will get worse. We are nearing a tipping point towards absolute chaos, and after said chaos, we have the chaos to reflect upon for building a better world. Things aren't in turmoil because majority wants turmoil, it's in turmoil because it upkeeps the status quo, and most people who are unwilling to change the status que are being misled to believe the status quo is okay. It is just part of the cyclic nature of the world and human existance, and eventually, when the tipping point is reached, things change to better fast, and radically.

[–] Kyyrypyy 9 points 2 years ago

" 'xcuse me human, but could you mayhaps provide me some sustinence, please. I've not eaten since around five minutes ago, thank you."

[–] Kyyrypyy 3 points 2 years ago

Yeah, they do, but theu're not as readily available as one would think. They also don't advertise this possibility, if they even take such jobs (Many don't like to take on your standard wallmart jeans etc. for one reason or another). On top of that, I'd imagine that they'd take surprisingly large sums from such "extraordinarily custom modifications".

What I'm proposing is specializing your sidehustle to this "one trick pony", that is basically just making people realize that fake pokets can be turned in to a real pocket. This would provide a seamsperson quick small jobs as long as fake pockets are being made. And judging by the fashion industry, it will be a long time before they realize that those pockets don't need to be fake.

This is more of "call to arms" to "fight the power".

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