I watched a lot of Stargate with my dad as a kid, so I’m probably biased, but that theme is my favorite piece of sci-fi music ever.
And now he’s considered “perhaps the most important person in Starfleet history” (and one of my favorite characters in all of Trek)
Not directly related but: I’m rewatching TNG and it’s so fun to see the character of Miles O'Brien emerge. Just through the sheer charisma of Colm Meaney.
I also think Chapel is very good at her job, but nurse and doctor are two different career paths. You don’t graduate being a nurse by becoming a doctor.
The Void is one of my favorite Voyager episodes. Our heroes are so Starfleet to the core, that a federation-like structure just naturally emerges for them.
I don’t recognize Chaotic Evil and Neutral Good, can somebody enlighten me?
Thank you for the recommendation! I'll start with The Gathering then!
I’ve never seen an episode of Babylon 5. Is it worth getting into?
I really enjoyed despising Kai Winn. She’s such a broken character, always choosing the wrong side and still being completely convinced that her way is without alternative.
Still, I had some level of empathy with her (the gods she, in a way dedicated her love to, never chose her, never spoke to her and when she finally received visions, it was demons deceiving her). Fletchers performance is just the best.
Thank you for the update! Our trusty bot over at c/greatestgen had no issues and is still posting the most embarrassing episodes (so all of them) of The Greatest Generation and The Greatest Trek.
Corrected, thanks!
This is one of those Voyager episodes I have no recollection of whatsoever. Even with Ben and Adam recapping, I don’t remember this one at all.
I’m also kinda sad that their Voyager run is almost over. A Neelix episode, a Doctor episode and the finale, that’s it.