
joined 2 years ago
[–] KuchiKopi 19 points 1 year ago

No bath! Only khlav kalash.

[–] KuchiKopi 2 points 1 year ago

Rishi fuck u


[–] KuchiKopi 4 points 2 years ago

Also 1990s, my school had an exception for boys who impregnated someone and had a pager to be notified when the mother was giving birth. Had to be kept in the principal's office.

[–] KuchiKopi 5 points 2 years ago
[–] KuchiKopi 2 points 2 years ago

Adding on to my original answer, there are a bunch of shows on PBS Kids that will meet your criteria. Here are a few off the top of my head:

Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That. Covers nature and science topics. More about learning and interacting than experimenting. Also available on Tubi.

Work it Out Wombats. This one didn't appeal to my kids so I've seen just a couple of episodes, but it's about solving problems in a systematic manner.

Mega Wow. Live action. Only like 10 episodes but my kids are crazy about it right now. Hands on exploring of scientific topics.

[–] KuchiKopi 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Elenor Wonders Why on PBS Kids. Each episode is ~ 20 minutes, broken into two ~ 10 minute stories. Cute animal kids explore nature and/or experiment in an inquiry-based manner. Many episodes have a song covering a history of science topic at the end of a segment. Animated with a calm, quiet aesthetic.

[–] KuchiKopi 13 points 2 years ago

I come with my wife in a big bed.

[–] KuchiKopi 4 points 2 years ago

Hahahaha! This contest is over! Give that man the First Annual Montgomery Burns... uh... Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of... uh... Excellence.

[–] KuchiKopi 25 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I've successfully repressed many of my Trump-era political memories.

Can anyone tell me how Republicans went from "we'll be destroyed and we'll deserve it" to "unggh, Daddy Trump, destroy me harder" between 2016 and 2017?

[–] KuchiKopi 3 points 2 years ago

Keeping accurate and current voter registration records is useful. Voter fraud is close to non-existent, probably because if you register in multiple locations, you'll definitely be identified. Knowing where to send absentee ballots is great, too.

Wisconsin has same-day voter registration, so it's at worst a mild inconvenience for anyone whose registration was purged, hasn't moved to a new place, and they still want to vote in an upcoming election.

FM? Nice. (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by KuchiKopi to c/bobsburgers

Quotes that you can use every day.

JK Rule-ing (lemmy.world)
ewww rule (lemmy.world)

EDIT: I've attached a rough map of the situation. The laundry room is the little room in the middle. The red dot is where the dryer vents into the garage.

My house is weird. Built mid-1970s. Upper Midwest.

One of the weird/annoying things about my house is the fact that the clothes dryer vent opens up into the house's attached garage rather than venting outside. This is an electric dryer, so the vent is just hot wet air -- nothing like CO or anything.

Ideally, I'd like the dryer to vent to the outside and not turn my garage into a stagnant humid swamp every time I dry clothes (most days, actually, because I have many children). But the laundry room isn't situated in a way that makes outside venting easy. It's on the main level, right in the middle of the floorplan. No basement access, so I can't add ductwork through the floor. No usable ceiling access either.

What options do I have to make this mess annoying? Add venting to the garage somehow?

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