Network effect is an unfortunate thing, but you can totally have a personal site if you want to in addition to those other profiles. Maybe even a self-hosted blog, thanks to VPSes being relatively affordable and both turn-key platforms and development tools both actually being pretty heccin' good nowadays!
joined 1 year ago
Honestly, games with some reasonably modern approaches to controls/UI and configurable settings are really nice: vsync or framerate limits, dynamic resolution, different AA methods, changes to LODs or model detail/textures, ability to toggle effects like post processing, or disable film grain, chromatic aberration, vignette effects etc., or even geting to choose stuff like borderless fullscreen.
What makes them even better, is when they also run due to allowing scaling graphics back, or due to having a stylized graphical art style, in addition to some decent optimization. For example, in my eyes Valheim is definitely one of those games - it looks low fidelity when you have a look at some of the textures, but runs pretty well even on hardware that is not super recent! Most e-sports titles or games that aim for a wider audience also fit here.
Occasionally even remakes like Black Mesa are nice to behold (even though the performance situation is a bit more challenging there), initiatives that bring older games, even like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., into the modern day, with people really caring about the end result!