dear god
i'll stay with my M3 Mini 4K, thank you.
dear god
i'll stay with my M3 Mini 4K, thank you.
ist auch praktischer, kostet (noch) nix extra, und leichter in der hose.
die abschaffung von bargeld in bussen (in und um hamburg) wundert mich aber ein wenig. man muss scheinbar entweder an einer bahnstation ein ticket lösen, oder sich bei deren plattform anmelden und dort bezahlen.
das könnte in einem datenklau-monopol oder in vereinfachter massenüberwachung enden.
i used one of these once. believe it or not, they're uncomfortable.
literally every brand does this, but toyota seems to be one of the worst offenders.
good thing i drive a 2002 which still has a casette player.
i own a fairphone 4 for performance mainly. but i hope this thing lasts me at least 5 years, owned it since august of 2022.
i have made my own Charger, so battery life isn't going to be a problem for a long time.
yup, i don't know how they do it for the newer models, but older ecotank models stop printing after 18,000 pages and show a warning about the purge tank being full.
you can clean the purge tank yourself and reset the counter with a key. there are plenty of tutorials on youtube.
afaik, epson doesn't even intend for the tank to be cleaned. at least not by the customer, otherwise it would be a dismissable message. the keys are probably meant to be used by epson themselves but are being leaked by someone.
instance checks out
not OP, but i wish. how would i afford to do what i want?
ich dachte es ging um die Piraten. dass die FDP keine option ist , ist glaube ich klar.