if it runs better, at a higher resolution, with the option of using a reliable controller, i will emulate it.
that game fucks you up in many ways.
closed source, but i've been a loyal user since the reddit days.
that's what being close-source does. jellyfin works great, use it every day.
me over here using my old bulldozer cpu with a 1060...
transcodes just fine though.
i carry an emergemcy audio adpater ony keychain now, thanks fairphone.
also, two of the 4 audio adapters i have are starting to break down, forcing me to buy new ones. real sustainable you guys
and yes, the one fairphone sells is one of the broken ones.
they started manufacturing a specific model in the EU, though much more expensive.
beyerdynamic headphones are made in germany, highly recommend.
If you don't have one already, it could be turned into a linux-based input device for your TV.
sure, will do. i have multiple "collection hobbies" and every single other one is valid, be it model trains, nerf blasters, stamps, retro consoles, garden gnomes etc.
every single one is interesting and nuanced in many ways, and i love talking about them. even if i often don't understand the appeal.
and honestly, being into anime is mainstream now.
but then nintendo wouldn't be able to shove tons of 6-7 year old hardware down our throats. (the 1st gen's processor is even older)
i literally own a switch, but getting that fucking thing to work with my display/audio setup is a pain. just to get 1080p at 30fps.
no thanks, i'd rather play it at 1440p at a more stable framerate, with a controller of my choice, with the ability to load mods.