I think its the opposite, the more they tighten the noose the more innovative our solutions are for getting around them. I got so pissed off at seeing half my video watching time go to ads that I found a youtube alternative that goes right on my firestick (smarttube). I wouldnt have bothered doing all that if they had not pushed it too far, which they obviously have.
...or else it gets the hose again???
If you wanna be even wider eyed, consider that trump 'tariffs' are a great way to extort other counties, they'll all pay that extortion fee directly to donald trump to avoid the tariffs. He will leave the white house a trillionaire in 4 years and nothing can stop it.
I think its worth pointing out here that trump 'tariffs' are a great way to extort other counties, they'll all pay that extortion fee directly to donald trump to avoid the tariffs. He will leave the white house a trillionaire in 4 years and nothing can stop it.
very welcome! Its worth nothing Im not very good at percentages...
I hate to say this because human suffering is horrible and so easily avoidable most of the time.. but amerikans just purposefully drove their own county off a cliff and they are going to suffer a lot. Yes even the maga types.
trumps 'road to prosperity' is tariffs... which will lead to a depression, maybe a global one. Thats a helluva plan there
The truth is the dems are a right wing party now, they've been dragged there by the rethugs.. and people Want to vote for an Actual left wing party, but there literally isnt one in the US.
Please sir, may I have some quality less?