Looks like it’s a beautiful day there!
Is this in Kuala Lumpur?
The little blue circles are lens flair. Although I personally want to believe.
Got a bit gusty and we took both reefs just before this photo ahead getting into the storm.
Probably gusted up to 20 kts or so. Sustained about 15 from memory.
Honestly, I’m somewhat okay with this, so long as flavor and quality don’t change.
I drink beers for the enjoyment, not to catch a buzz. If I can drink the same amount with less detrimental health effects, nothing wrong with that to me.
My best advice would be to get adept at the maintenance side of things. Sailboats live in harsh environments and will almost always have something breaking on you. Learn basic electrical systems, engine maintenance and line/sail maintenance.
You can do all of this before having a boat just watching YouTube and working on electrical in your house, your car/transport engine and buying some cheap off cuts of canvas and rope.
The better you are at fixing things, the better off you’ll be at living in your off grid paradise.
Did you intend to upload a photo?
It was eerie how calm the water was while facing that front.
If you look closely you can see a water spout forming.
Actually a 386er! Just north of you!
This was taken specifically from my marina, rather than out closer to the cape.
I haven’t tried being out near the cape during a launch, but I do know there is a minimum protection zone that you can’t enter during launches. Not sure how big that is.
I had the exact same thought! Thanks for doing the heavy lifting