Oh! That could have been it, but also runners aren't exactly a healthy standard, those weirdos are cool with bloody nipples. /s
For me the worst part was wearing them on any hard flat surfaces always made my feet hurt, I have a high arch and it felt like the pain was due to not having enough support
That's more or less what happened at Tiananmen Square.
That flavor is whatever makes fruit cake taste terrible, lemon or orange Turkish Delight is amazing.
I tried a big red recently and it just tasted off, like they changed the formula in the last 15-20 years, but was glad to see Barq's was just as I remembered.
Barq's Red Creme soda
Might as well be, I bet a brain scan would show significant similarities.
Isn't that basically the entire player base anyway?
Eh, probably for the best, everything I've heard about LoL is that it turns you into a toxic hateful shell of a human.
I see, my knowledge is surface deep so I admit this is new information to me.
Is there no way to ensure LLMs are safe for like kids to use as a tool for education? Or is it just inherently going to come with some risk of exploitation and we just have to do our best to educate students of that danger?
Yep, I was having a conversation with a guy that informs policy makers on ai, he had given a whole presentation to a school board meeting I went to a few nights ago.
He said that's his highest recommendation when it comes to what should be done on the lawmaker side, pass bills that push for opening up those black boxes so we can ensure transparency.
Hard disagree with whiskey.
How you gonna say wine and coffee then be hyper specific with what liquor? Just say liquor.