They call it charged lemonade and they advertised it as being all natural and healthy too. Despite having more caffeine than their coffee or monster/red bull
This would be like the 18th good reason.
I've enjoyed them, but even though I agree with the decision to get rid of roiland, they just aren't the same without him
The one after the first one?
Oh, well dang, that's kinda dumb
Am I the only one who knew about this? "Little fanfare" maybe but Nintendo announced it a while ago, with Charles saying goodbye in a video? This has been known. Just another reason to post a wired article I guess
At least a year, been there since I migrated
Here I was thinking California was IN L.A.
In this thread:
Let's boycott the gaming company that we disagree with! Also I guess that company that's using literal child slavery for their chocolate. Quite the disconnect here, I don't think the people making Mario games deserve the same punishment as the people buying up all of the housing market because they can in order to rent out said houses to the same people who were originally trying to buy them
Are you an AI?
Yeah, the blood of a thousand innocent anus didn't come from consent