Mental. Dunno why anyone would take the risk tbh. Ignoring the fact that it puts other people at risk, the guards are out in full force testing over the holidays!
From what I've heard, action combat is set for the trash mobs and turn based is for larger foes and bosses. Definitely a nice mix up from the usual formula.
They badly need to invest in recruiting Garda. They're understaffed and underpaid and it must be very demotivating to see people get away with this carry on.
7 remake absolutely slapped. Can't wait for the next part, especially after they showed off the big open areas and side-content.
I love the cast of Persona 4.
They really nailed that feeling of a group of friends out to solve a mystery. Even better if you played the Golden version of the game.
While I love 3 more as a whole story-wise I feel like 4 developed the bonds of the supporting cast much better and showed how they all cared for each other.
All the events and trips you could go on with each character really developed them out nicely and it was great helping them overcome their personal issues and grow stronger as a person (and in battle thanks to the perks and advanced personas).
Love this case. Got the white one and it's very high quality and shows off the camera bar nicely.
Buttons are nice and clicky and there's a slight lip that keeps the camera or the screen from touching the table.
Man this is great news if they can pull this off.
It's actually insane how few bugs I see these days.
Ten or fifteen years ago I'd see bugs everywhere. Driving at night had hundreds of moths and insects flying around.
Nowadays there's nothing.
I can't even remember the last time I saw a ladybug.
Radiata Stories looks absolutely gorgeous. I love that warm toned art style. Need to add this to my list.
Thank you for reminding me of this! It somehow slipped my mind.
Love the artstyle. Haven't heard many people talking about it but from what I've heard it's a quality game.
MQ is probably one of the only FF games I haven't played so I need to check it out!
I agree with your point on introductory games though. Apart from Pokemon there isn't many games for younger players to get into the genre so I can see what they tried to do with MQ. I feel people are way too harsh on that game considering it might not have been their target audience.
They're paying for the use of the Boost app that the developer themselves created though? If they were charging for a Lemmy server I'd understand the point but they're paying for a client that they don't have to pay for. If it brings more people over to Lemmy then we all benefit really.
I also paid for Boost because the UI beat out all the other clients that I tried, replacing Connect which was my favourite at the time. It felt the most like Relay that I used to use on Reddit.