
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kaavi 7 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Remember 19 million of those 27 were civilians - crazy numbers.

[–] Kaavi 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Just curious, is there anything like that for Facebook? Facebook groups specifically.

[–] Kaavi 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I saw Anders Puck Nielsens YouTube video last night about the same topic. Anders is imho always spot on, and I think it's worth a watch: https://youtu.be/OZ-R1WVGwQg?si=OvzuDU8Q-z1cpE55

[–] Kaavi 16 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Plus Russia had 8.7 million military deaths in WW2, so this is really just a small military operation for them.

What is honestly most crazy is that Europe and USA can't just give enough to Ukraine for Russia to say ... Ok, we have to give up, we can't win this.

[–] Kaavi 8 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Jeg har lige set Fallout TV serien, syntes faktisk den var rigtig god. :)

[–] Kaavi 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Quite sure Ukraine started doing this without US. They began doing it while the us was unable to give aid.

So I'm quite sure this is something us didn't want Ukraine to do, but when there was no aid, Ukraine did what they wanted to do.

I'm just glad they did this, and they should continue 🚀

[–] Kaavi 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Mails, SMS, samt opkald - syntes jeg får spam alle steder dit tiden.

Fik et automatisk opkald igår, fra "PayPal", der ville give mig mulighed for at

  1. Annullere en trækning på mit kort.
  2. Få refunderet pengene.

Jeg valgte selvfølgelig #2, GM og kom videre til et indisk call center. Hvor den søde dame spurgte hvordan hun kunne hjælpe mig. Fortalte hende jeg var nysgerrig på, hvad der fik nogen til at arbejde med at snyde folk og hvordan hun selv havde det med at gøre det ... Jeg fik dog ikke noget svar, hun gad ikke tale mere med mig :)

[–] Kaavi 16 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I agree with what you write, but Europe is failing too. Russia isn't that big of a country, it should be easy for Europe to support Ukraine enough even without USA.

Europe needs to give more and have more military production ourselves, we should think Europe first and keep the production here. More than half is currently imported from USA.

[–] Kaavi 70 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Living in Denmark, it's always so odd for me when health insurance is somehow connected to your job... Why?

Health is needed for anyone, both people who work and not. Why it only makes sense for everyone to have access for it, and everyone paying for it over taxes.

Keeping it connected with work is poodle giving the employers more power than they should have - they should not have any power over healthcare.

[–] Kaavi 2 points 9 months ago

I've been using proxmox mainly with lxc containers for years. I gave an lxc running docker and portainer, for a few services I have running in docker.

I wouldn't do it with anything critical it anything that needs mich performance or resources. But honestly most things don't need that.

So is you like me just need a few docker containers and you already have everything else running - this can be a fine way to do it. Go for it :)

[–] Kaavi 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Kommunen kan vel sætte trafik måling på på vejen? Altså de to ledninger man nogengange ser ligge over vejen.

Det er min opfattelse at det både måler antal biler og hastighed (derfor der er to).

Så kunne i jo få fakta på det.

[–] Kaavi 3 points 1 year ago

Yet this number have been matched fairly good up earlier with both US and UK estimates.

Russia should get the fuck out and stop the killing in Ukraine

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