
joined 1 year ago
[–] K3zi4 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ah, I am! The other users spoiler tag was fine so I just assumed something was up, had no idea sync didn't support the tag.

No harm done though, I've already read the whole series a couple of times.

[–] K3zi4 4 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Heads up bud, your spoiler tags didn't work!

[–] K3zi4 57 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh, look, another old comedian jumps on the bigot bandwagon. It's an incredibly transparent trend now for when they can't write the same material that got them there in the first place, or when they are no longer working with the person that wrote their material for them.

Take a few shots at trans people, purely for publicity, then use that sudden boost from the circle jerking media to secure yourself a Netflix special, where you can talk about how you've been cancelled for an hour and a half for a big payout.

It's just a marketing ploy for using peoples own outrage against them.

[–] K3zi4 16 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Since the whole API fiasco and losing reddit is fun, I wiped my reddit account, downloaded my comment history and then used a bot to wipe all my comments and posts, doing so got me banned from commenting on a lot of subs, something to do with the speed that the comments were edited at or something. Either way, I don't really care.

I still use my reddit account for lurking, there are some niche active subs that still have good information/discussion that unfortunately haven't been picked up elsewhere, but I have those subs opened in old reddit on Firefox and I don't venture outside of that, and I'll never contribute or comment again.

I get that I'm contributing to their traffic still, but I was an active member for 12+ years, and I'm still pissed they fucked the entire community to profit from our fucking content. Definitely won't be contributing to their content again.

[–] K3zi4 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have a "world bible" that I created on onenote with all of my characters, locations, lore, etc. As part of that I have my stories plotted out in rough notes, then chapter by chapter in a table, (this often changes when actually writing but it's a great foundation).

Lots of people use Obsidian or Notion to do the same thing. I already had onenote on all my devices, so it was easy just to add notes to my notes section if an idea came to me on the move that I could return to later.

I've tried to move to obsidian or notion a couple of times, but I think I have a certain efficiency now with my crude system, and it just seems to work for me.

[–] K3zi4 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

One-X is such a good album, I remember putting it back on again recently after all these years, and I'd forgotten just how many great tracks are on it!

[–] K3zi4 1 points 2 months ago

Ah I'm in the UK, but I was actually looking at this same drive before I thought I'd ask here! Good to know it's reliable.

[–] K3zi4 1 points 2 months ago

Thanks so much, I'll look into this!

[–] K3zi4 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I remember doing this before with an older Macbook Pro that had a motherboard failure and now keep the HDD from that in an enclosure as my time machine backup.

It's probably worth upgrading the SSD, though I feel I should really upgrade the battery and a blown speaker at the same time.

My battery is actually eligible for a free replacement, but the hassle of sending it away for a week when I use it for work has stopped me from doing that. Probably easier just doing it myself.

[–] K3zi4 2 points 2 months ago

It does, and this actually might be a super handy way to go about doing it! I had considered it but wasn't sure if it would be faster than USB or Thunderbolt connection. I'll look into it!

submitted 2 months ago by K3zi4 to c/asklemmy

I'm looking for a portable SSD drive for my Macbook Pro. It's an older model, being the 15" retina, mid 2015, but even though it's begin to show signs of ageing, it still does what I need it to.

Which is mostly hobby audio recording/production. As it has a fairly limited 250gb internal SSD, I have to make use of external drives for archive files and time machine backups.

At the moment, I have offloaded my Logic Pro sounds library, as well as the numerous sample packs, project files, and plugins, onto an external HDD to save space, but as it is an 8TB powered HDD, really I would rather just keep it as my home archive/backups (the reason I bought it), instead of carrying it around as part of my portable recording setup. Which always feels a little too risky.

Does anyone have any recommendations for external SSDs that would suit my purpose? And should I stick with USB 3, or should I be looking into Thunderbolt connections for working off of? (I am a little dim when it comes to this stuff)

I would likely only need 250gb at minimum, but in the region of 500/1TB would give me some extra wiggle room.

[–] K3zi4 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Not sure if YouTube links are allowed here, but if you just search for automatic 1111 install tutorials, Sebastian Kamph's channel is excellent and pretty much everything you'll need to know is on there!

Keep an eye for his updated videos though, as you can imagine the tech moves so quickly that some of his more popular videos have been remade and updated!

[–] K3zi4 1 points 2 months ago

Hahaha, I hadn't considered it that way. Touché.


Don't get me wrong, I will probably cave at the last minute and vote SNP again for a number of reasons. Mostly, being supportive of a number of their progressive policies that I have benefited from over the years, and also because my constituency is a two horse race between them and the Tories who I will never vote for. Though the SNP are probably now at their lowest point in years since they finally managed to oust Sturgeon.

I will also never vote Labour, they have no identity here and during the 2019 election they were campaigning for the Tories to oust SNP here, so 100% fuck them too.

I once voted for Lib Dem and we ended up with the catastrophic Clegg/Cameron coalition (though due to FPTP my vote didn't matter there.)

I would like to vote for Green, but it would be a wasted vote here.

It's just bizarre to me that Westminster's voting system is such that a vast majority of votes in the UK are binned, how is this considered normal?

Sorry for the rant, but I am just so incredibly disillusioned with politics in this shitehole of a country but absolutely refuse to be passive about it since that is what they want us to be.


I've been toying with this idea for a while and made a few attempts following tutorials with some very basic coding skills, but honestly I find a lot of the resources and information quite overwhelming to take in sometimes so thought I would ask you guys with more experience here instead!

I have ADHD and often find myself juggling many creative tasks from writing music, writing fiction, graphic design, etc all the time. I find the "load" of all of these different spinning plates in my brain to be a lot to hold onto at times and have found the benefits in using ChatGPT for simplifying things or even just working through my own thought processes, and wanted to take this further.

To my knowledge, Chatgpt has a limited memory/recall ability, and after particularly lengthy conversations, it is unable to recall information from the beginning and starts guessing. Certainly with GPT 3.5 anyway. I also have never been too comfortable sharing much in terms of my creative projects with GPT for privacy reasons.

I have been trying to figure out if a localised model such as GPT4all or OLlama would be able to function better for my needs.

As an example, one of my largest projects is a fantasy fiction novel where I have spent so much time worldbuilding that my notes are quite extensive, and the connections between aspects can be difficult for me to keep track of and can sometimes result in me writing contradictions and having to spend time fixing my own errors. I do have StableDiffusion on my PC that I use to generate artwork to help me visualise people/the world (not intended for publication, obviously, I'd hire a real artist for that) and a fair bit of experience with it.

With GPT4all, or an equivalent, would it be possible for me to train a model on all of my notes and information, saved in a separate document, that I can discuss/collaborate with the model, keeping everything private, offline, and without having the model "forget" things?

Apologies if this is a really basic question that I have turned into a wall of text. But any insight you guys might have, or structured resources you can point me towards would be brilliant.


Privacy concerns are a very popular and valid talking point on Lemmy, so I would like to gather your thoughts and opinions on this. (Apologies if it's already been discussed!)

Would you support this? Would it work or even be viable? (If it could somehow overcome the rabid resistance from these big companies). What are your thoughts?

Personally, I'm getting more and more agitated at the state of this late stage global capitalism, where companies have the gall to ask you to pay or subscribe to their products, while they already make money from you for selling your data. It's been an issue for a long time now, but seems to really be ramping up.

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