Should have someone speeding by in a Veyron SS or whatever Koeniggggssssegggggg has out now and fire it so they can catch up to it and grab it.
I've heard of thin skinned mods but this is Reddit level. Be better.
And Niles worrying about the dreaded glottal stop if they named him Jack Crane.
Less bullet holes.
It depends if you think another manufacturer could hit closer to the FIA target. We know the Pirellis have had issues (most recently Qatar) so Bridgestone or anyone else have to show they could get tire wear where the FIA want it but with better construction.
It might be a cost benefit thing. They probably could hire a team to perfect it and be on hand round the clock playing whack a mole with every workaround that gets found, but the half measure might catch the masses and be enough to not warrant spending the extra to do that.
Championship you're right, but he's been 2/2/3/2 the last 4 races.
There's a natural regimen to save yourself - you must cut out all gluten, eat meals consisting of horse/radish paste (that's a paste made of horses and radishes), and drink at least 6 glasses of clam juice per day.
Gee, if only they'd tested...
He would walk into a bar, snap his fingers, and half the patrons would disappear so he could have their drinks.