In all honesty I swapped from a Titan X (2015) to a 3080(2020). That was a 5 year gap and it’s right there again but haven’t needed anything more for anything I play. Pretty sure I’ll likely just buy a used last gen card whenever it is I need another one. Which will likely be far easier to get as everyone kills themselves for the new gen while also being cheaper. It will still be a noticeable upgrade to me. Don’t understand the need to upgrade every year or every other year even. The improvements are so small between gens now.
Took a bit to get the 3080 founders that I needed to physically fit my case and never again…it’s just not worth the headache.
Ordered a number of drives from them recently. This is what they showed up in. Foam at the top and bottom of the smaller boxes, with each drive in a bag. Then both smaller boxes were in the larger box with some bubble wrap. Dates on each drive ranged from July 2022-July 2024.
I gave up Spotify when they just wouldn’t stop trying to shove podcasts down my throat. It’s essentially ads for their own sponsored content they paid millions for that I have zero interest in. It just kept getting worse like the full screen pop ups for ‘recommendations’ based on their interests…not mine. So glad I didn’t have to deal with this too.
I still hate to this day one of my parents cars. The gear shift is on the side of the radio and the radio controls(what isn’t touch screen) are underneath.
I’d imagine they mean wheel speed sensor which is used by the ABS/traction control to detect which tire is slipping/locked up. Usually just a magnet that reads high/low spots on a ring of some sort.
Levi’s vintage collection already has pairs in the $300+ range. The $50-60 msrp they’re asking for their thin as paper normal jeans now is robbery. I’m aware they’re available much cheaper but msrp is just a benchmark for comparison. I have some jeans from high school(decades ago) that are still in decent shape. Yes, I still fit in them fine and wear them constantly. Any normal pair I’ve bought in the last couple years are already trash. Their quality is abysmal now.
Not to mention it’s exceedingly difficult to find regular not ‘stretch’ jeans. The 505’s are available in both but the stretch version is everywhere and most online places don’t specify. The stretch are thinner and are even more garbage than the non-stretch. Not to mention I’ve gotten 505’s from multiple countries of origin and the patterns are not the same. The pocket depth being a glaringly obvious one. Phone doesn’t fit in any that come from a particular country but fine from others.
The vintage collection depending on what you buy has some actual heft to it(downside is they’re hot), are generally selvage denim, and come in way more sizes that the normal jeans don’t. On extreme sale they’re worth it…last pair I got for like $80 down from msrp of $267. Those have actually lasted the ~7 years I’ve owned them. Haven’t seen that price again though. Think closest as of late was like $140-160…No thanks.
That became way more ranty than I thought it would…apparently I’ve got some strong feelings about jeans.
I think I like the premise a bit more than the show. Zom 100 is about a kid who starts a soul crushing office job only to become the happiest guy alive after the zombie apocalypse starts and he realizes he doesn’t need to go to work anymore.
So this happened…
Your question immediate took my mind back to this 15+ year old clip. Maybe use it as an ice breaker😂. The moms awkward attempt is before where the link jumps.
As a side note…if he shares a shower with someone with long hair and you don’t use a hair strainer or something. The process of removing the clogged hair is gonna get a bit more gross.
Tennis has a long history of ‘Battle of the sexes’ matches.
We’re still talking about professional athletes though…. If you were good enough to beat any of them then why the hell are you not doing exactly that?
Edit: formatting…