I mean plenty of reasons to be depressed, we have destroyed our planet, we are in the middle of the biggest mass extinction in 140 million years, and we can't afford anything anymore. But yeah it's a mindset or something.
Works fine on mobile Firefox for me
Agreed, or WinCo if you have that in your area is nearly as cheap. The $60 you pay for Costco membership pays for itself in 6 months for me just in cheaper gas. Let alone the savings on food. The only problem with Costco is the size of the products for people living by themselves, which I get around by getting mostly frozen or non-perishable goods.
You are gonna defend yourself against Abrams tanks, Apache helicopters and predator drones with a rifle?
I would be for a ban of semi auto weapons period. Bolt action is more than good enough for hunting or target shooting, heck even home defence, a shotgun is pump action but still highly effective.
Worked in California with minimal shootings.
And my axe
I have Llama 2 running on localhost, you need a fairly powerful GPU but it can totally be done.
No no no, he worships supply side Jesus, not Hebrew Jesus. I mean fuck Jesus was brown...
Can also confirm, was 'homeschooled' which meant those terrible books the homeschool book companies would send you all about how Noah's ark was on mount Arrerrat (sp?) And how supply side Jesus was the best. Did read the Bible cover to cover 3 times for something to do, lotta weird shit in there...
I enjoy messing around with the home automation stuff but I'm using a raspberry pi and have a NAS, so essentially a local cloud. Nothing goes up to AWS or whatever