I don't think that everyone will stop working just because they can. Even if everything even non essential goods would be provided for everyone, we would still produce luxury good, arts and services. So it would in the best case evolve into something like market socialism where everyone profits of of the chance to never have to work again. In the worst case we would be stuck with a system where few hold these unlimited resources and make people work by holding back essential goods despite being abled to provide for everyone. In both situations I think money would probably still play a role.
Anmerkung an den Autor: Du solltest bei Bild anfangen.
Riche ich da verwöhnter Möchtegern Politiker der selber nichts aufgeben möchte um das klima zu retten? Der Durchschnittsmensch muss einfach nur -5t Fleisch die Woche essen um den Klimawandel zu stoppen.
I think it's odd that there are apparently a lot of super rich people in Germany willing to actually pay more taxes.
Because it's wrong.
Bros personality after watching the intro of a video essay on the society of the spectacle.
A lot of the German wars in Europe I can think of right now where actually fought because of poorly drawn borders or were at least motivated largely by borders. Including French German wars. The Elsass-Lothringen dispute has always been extremely important for french-german relations.
huh? You are calling people normal and not normal. How is treating everyone the same invalidating anyone?
Was ist aus Boris Pistorius geworden?
It does. Mazophilia is the female breast fetish.
That is reeeeaally anti-democratic.