
joined 2 years ago
[–] JayJLeas 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I appreciate your response and the other person who replied to you is right as well, but I wanted to add that I can "appreciate" Bible stories the same way I can appreciate other myths or legends, many of which the Bible stories originated from. I love mythology, it fascinates me, especially seeing who borrowed from who, but that doesn't make them real or worth worshipping.

[–] JayJLeas 59 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I read the Bible. I started asking questions about things in the Bible that didn't match science, I loved science (still do), but nobody wanted to answer my questions, they'd just get mad, so I started seeking information elsewhere and came across atheist or ex-religious sources who answered the questions I had. Those sources also helped me realise the damage that had been done to me mentally, which I'm still working on overcoming.

[–] JayJLeas 4 points 5 days ago

She doesn't mind. She meows in reply or comes running when he does it, and he doesn't do it very often.

[–] JayJLeas 19 points 5 days ago (3 children)

My partner named our cat Lana because he wanted to be able to scream "LAANAAA!" like Archer

[–] JayJLeas 6 points 3 weeks ago

I was gonna say she's a plover but apparently the "correct" name for plovers is lapwings. TIL.

Scary little buggers.

[–] JayJLeas 4 points 3 weeks ago

I miss Snake

[–] JayJLeas 21 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

My partner and I spent the whole game going "these two better not stay together at the end, they're horrible and that would be a terrible moral"

[–] JayJLeas 4 points 1 month ago

Every time...


My gender therapist told me this in response to something I said referencing my chest. It was a while ago but it's stuck with me. I'm wondering what you all think of this comment? The comment felt disqualifying, like I was less male for calling my chest a "breast", or I would be seen as less male because of it, but I can be pretty sensitive so I might be overthinking and she might be right that men don't talk like that.

[–] JayJLeas 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

I'm a millennial and dibs has been around at least since I was a kid.

[–] JayJLeas 8 points 1 month ago


Resources for apostates (ex-religious people) in need. There are some housing resources I think, including LGBTQ+ specific services. Maybe have a look, I haven't looked a lot into it but maybe it can be of help.

[–] JayJLeas 8 points 1 month ago

When I was still being taken to church I won the door prize at youth group (church for teens) one night during a special event we were running (some thing to encourage people to invite their non-believing school friends and show how "hip" and "fun" they were, there were raffles and video games alongside our usual "live music", skate ramps and bbq). The prize itself was a mobile phone. I was so happy because I didn't already have one, but ultimately my parents decided I couldn't have/use it until I got a job to pay for the credit. I did eventually get a job at KFC and was able to use the phone.

Another time I was visiting NZ with my parents and we were touring the base of a mountain and the guide was like "guess the height and whoever gets closest wins this pen", I won but my mum made me give the pen back because she thought I'd cheated somehow? Idfk. Still a bit salty about the pen.

[–] JayJLeas 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't know... I wonder if non-dairy milks are included, like oat, almond, etc? Or maybe it includes obscure milks, sheep, camel?


I see a lot of communities hosted on hexbear.net on trending but when I click the link it says there's nothing there. Why is this the case? I'm using the Voyager app, but I' not sure if that has anything to do with it. Is there a way to make them visible?

D&D Rule [OC] (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by JayJLeas to c/196

Made a meme about my recent D&D experience

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