this is my favorite comment on here so far
A part of me wants to kinda salt the earth and hopes that there will be a data shredder script that doesn't delete all comments, but instead uses ChatGPT to bloat all of them up to maximum comment length. No idea if this has a considerable effect on data size on the server. But I would be happy just imaging that it does.
A more harmless and funny approach could be to instead to just push the original comment through several iterations of translations and dialects till the original comment becomes nonsense.
The non-confrontational part might be just numb to all the corporate greed making stuff worse and is just trying to enjoy this new experience instead
yeah i saw that info posted 3 days ago before the Blackout on the redditisfun subreddit. At that time it might have still looked like a good idea. At the current time i don't think it is.
No idea if it would end well in the future though, i could see the protest keep relevance, but it might aswell blow over or lose traction. This is also why I believe that it could be good if the protest had a community event on the side to generate more publicity on the side. It might drag in some international influencer/streamer communities like last time aswell.
Yeah i understand that view, i just think that it would be a good timing for it and bring more publicity to the cause.
Also going a bit offtopic: if it helps, haven't experienced any crashes since using
also tested but it was pretty slow and laggy at the moment. But i really like the design on this one a lot
also using squabbles on the side, but that one will not be my new home since it is not on the fediverse. It did feel like another good reddit replacement and was a bit more user friendly since it is less complicated than the fediverse sites.
There was a post on r/redditisfun some days ago that there are rumors that r/place will come back on 23rd of June apparently since it is reddits 18th birthday and this could also be an attempt to resolve the blackout situation.
So yeah i think starting an r/place alternative on lemmy would be great, especially before reddit does it
Been thinking that it would be nice/funny if we could salt the earth a bit more.
Instead of deleting all comments it could just bloat the comment to maximum comment size instead.
It could do so by taking the comment as input into a ChatGPT prompt and just bloat it up copypasta style and subtly change the contained information.
Or for a funnier approach it could just translate the comment into multiple chained language or dialect translation prompts. Than either leave it in the selected dialect or translate it back to the original language.
Ah ok, ich sehe wo das Missverständnis ist: Ich dachte es geht um die Redewendung "aged like fine wine". Diese wird am häufigsten eingesetzt um eine Person zu beschreiben die mit dem Alter immer attraktiver wird.
r/agedlikewine ist eine Anspielung auf diese Redewendungen aber scheinbar eher auf soziale Medien angewendet. Deshalb scheint sich die ursprüngliche Bedeutung etwas geändert zu haben. Das subreddit war mir nicht bekannt
Beides sind Englische Redewendungen (Idiom) ins Deutsche übersetzt. Nach altem r/de Brauch.
Naja es ist schlechter geworden und nicht besser. Jetzt werden die Mods ja nicht bezahlt und haben ein schlechteres Toolset als davor zum moderieren. Wenn etwas wie guter Wein altert, dann wurde etwas gutes mit der Zeit nur noch besser
Stimmt. Allerdings dann bitte nur anonymisiert. Sonst könnte das ein Risiko für die Neutralität darstellen.
Wenn Mods bei Reddit bezahlt worden wären, hätte die ganze Reddark Aktion auch nur sehr schwer umgesetzt werden können. Gab es Subreddits die das bereits gemacht hatten bzw. war es überhaupt erlaubt für ein Modteam von einem Subreddit spenden anzufragen?
Outlast Trials is the big coop fun surprise of the year for me. You can also still buy it 25% off on epic for like 20€ until today.
People should not ignore this game cause it is from the outlast series. This game has way less jumpscares and its more about the tension of being chased all the time. Also way less scary in coop than in solo. It's more like Deadbydaylight meets L4D2 mobs. Level and Character Design reminds me off Bioshock. The coop fun is comparable to Phasmophobia, just less scary but more tense