Yeah this will definitely lead to peace in the Middle East. Israel big brained as always.
My empathy has limits.
Ciri hyyyyypppppeeeeee
You’re assuming they’re rational actors. I can tell you, with experience, there are people who hate the healthcare insurance industry and are too propagandized / stupid to actually do the things needed to change it.
Best case scenario: He’s changed and is working to better himself and the communities he’s harmed.
He’s worthless otherwise.
I lived in the UK for a year, but no longer.
Your statement could be true, but the way you’re presenting it sounds like you’re just letting the oppressors win.
So what’s controversial about it? This Sky News / Comcast rag mentions it’s “enormously” controversial without stating the controversies.
After reading about Tortoise media I’m kinda liking the slow news movement.
It’s great timing, in the sense that it highlights why the mf’er got shot to everyone else
Needs more orc ass-popping
12 new subclasses
This is bad because it’s an attempt to scare other conservatives to fall in line with the MAGA Nazi shit, and will probably work. It’s the same shit as the Nazi party in the Weimar Republic eating the conservatives who weren’t as right before assuming absolute power. Same playbook.