Don’t see any reason not to jump in and get their take, you might get a couple of mild nods to later in-jokes, but it’s not likely to spoil any enjoyment.
I think this is a Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference.
What my theory presupposes is that you’ve never seen Jeff Kober and Thomas Haden Church in the same room.
I considered if I should instead there, but I didn’t feel this fell under meme or shitpost. Maybe I made the wrong call on that.
She is a rental for some specialist work where I couldn’t rely on my walking foot, but they offered to sell her to me, and it’s hard not to say yes. The thing is though she’s 160kg! If I buy her I’m forever committing to hiring help to move workshop (which I have to do 1-3 times a year).
Btw she’s a mid 70s LG-158, can be threaded up with two parallel needles, has a walking needle too, which is faster than the more modern 158s and leaves fewer “tracking” marks on leather and waxed cotton than my standard walking foot.
These were 110/19s, so very sturdy, but I think it’s the one two punch of the working parts crushing the bone, and the needle them piercing it. Needle would very likely break, but it would fuck my hand up in the process.
Any other Friends of DeSewToo?
Maybe they didn’t respond to the second half of the comment because, even though they had just corrected your pronoun misuse, you did it right away again.
For reasons I don’t understand my work asked Craig McLucke to visit us, which he did. As he tells it, Borg was a pre-existing platform, Kubernetes came along as a part of a program to develop a replacement/furtherance of the Borg. The actual code name was Seven of Nine for that reason but legal couldn’t clear it with CBS/Paramount/Viacom in time for distribution.
I am no TOS expert but I think this is right, though I think the later instances of it being said are as Star Ship.
I think I also read in one novel it meaning UFP Starfleet Ship, but that’s at best Memory Beta.
I get that this is just your opinion, but you’re expressing it in such a negative and snarky way that you’re coming across as plain rude.
“No need to be rude my dude.” -- Spock (probably)
Their tears are filling up their glasses No Dominion, no Dominion