Here's the thing tho. Nobody thinks about you even 1% of what you think they do. It seems like youre saying, "I need validation and want to be a part of the bigger world outside my own" which is totally fair. It's even healthy, especially when compared to escapism and isolation. If your actions and behavior cause people to have a negative reaction, i.e. jealousy, obsessions, I encourage you to reevaluate what's within yourself that desires that negative attention. People will think of you far far more if your behavior and actions gives those around you positive reactions. Trade the desire to make them jealous for inspiring them by being a healthy, upstanding rolemodel. Trade "I" statements for "you" questions. People crave and are drawn to those who show an interest in them, just as you admit to in this post. Make the world a better place, not a more anxious place and you'll find all that attention you desire becomes a far more reasonably attainable goal.
Back in the mid 90's, I won a "Rocko's Modern Life," t-shirt from a Nickelodeon contest. It was one where you'd have to call a phone # when his face would pop up in the bottom corner or something like that for like 10 seconds. Caller # whatever, could win the grand prize or whatever but I got a tee. Wore that shirt with pride all the fucking time.
The deal was switched to a subscription based model.
Monitor deez nuts, bitch. Fuck the rich and fuck you. Buck buck, motherfuckers.
Homeboy signed that thang with, "I am the LORD," too. I'm not a Christian but if I were, I'd understand that there's no two ways about whats being demandad and evern required as a follower of the Christian faith from numerous uno, the Don himself, in plane black and white.
I feel and live this way without such demands from the centerpiece of a religion and it's the easiest and best way to live. Life is so messy and brutally hard sometimes and the last thing any of us need is having to haul around a worthless 200lb sack of hate over our shoulder every step we take. Let it go and you're life will change radically for the better.
Got this exact same one. I just got "hello" but when I tried to just delete the message, I get this error saying I can't edit the message (pic below). Using Maybe it's a bug or something? I'll have to check the settings because Id rather just never recieve dms ever. At the very least, be able to just delete them.
First DM I ever got on lemmy.
I don't believe in the whole alpha/beta male bullshit but these motherfuckers a 100% betas.
Bonus footage- Here's my chubby little sunshine babe in said princess bed.
My baby girl is named Penny too! Perfect name for a classy lady.
*she's currently in my lap purring as hard as she possibly can while I drink my morning coffee
That's fucking hilarious.
And it made about as much sense as having a pissing section in a public pool.
I remember in the early-mid 90's going to pizza hut with my family to cash in one of those sweet book club free pizza stamps and the smoking section always being packed with other families. The other kids would be playing and having a fun time while all the adults enjoyed their refreshing delicious cigarettes while everyone ate. There was no real, "smoking or non-smoking" section. It's was a smoke filled restaurant with the option to sit shoulder to shoulder with someone smoking a cig or being a few feet away from said smokers.