Really looking forward to what he and Swerve are going to book for each other.
This and his match with Darby, instead of looking washed now he just looks like his style really takes his over the course of the match, and him missing the Swanton being the turning point.
I love the idea of Joe being Hook's white whale, seeing him step into a bigger role in a year or two when he might have a believable win over Joe would be awesome.
Jeff's booking has been really confusing.
He's whining on social media and then he gets this match?
Is it all a work?
I feel like this is the best Jeff has looked in a while. Did TK tell him this was his opportunity to put on a barn burner if he wants to be on Dynamite?
Hooks hair looks like an 80's bowl cut
If they don't go over this is going to be like a random jobber on WWE Superstars on the weekends.
What is up with that T shirt and vest combo?
So this is gonna be a short squash of a main event eh?
I can only hope we discover a cure for bad butt disease, (yes I know diverticulitis is not a joke, but bad butt disease feels much nicer) 2x I haven't been able to see him perform live now.
Does she usually look so.....snooki? Older pics make her look more like Saraya.
This Mariah May.....
No fans have never been asking for this match.