The first thing you need to consider is that he exploded from just inside the free throw line (which is 15' from the hoop), which is insane to begin with. Two, he finished with contact over a strong and lengthy Paul George (although he didn't contest), which is even more impressive. Three, he elevated even higher than necessary, making him float longer in the air for aesthetics. Fourth, and I can't stress this point enough, he did this at the ripe old age of 39 years old. Paul George is 6 years his junior. Most 39 professional athletes are sitting on the bench, cheering on their decade(s)-younger teammates, ready to cash in their league pensions.
Paul George also sidestepped at the very last second, preventing this poster dunk from being even more embarrassing for him.
It was a surprisingly competitive game, which indicates that Ham hasn't completely lost the locker room. I thought this was one of Ham's better coached games with the exception of putting Cam Reddish back in during the middle of the 4th quarter, which quickly dissipated our 10 point lead.