joined 10 months ago
[–] IrishMASMS 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

There is the personal/home security hand out from the NSA (yea, that NSA) This is an older version, but I appreciate the level of detail on this one:

Anytime you purchase a car, the PII is shared amount so many companies/organizations. Best submit a "right to be forgotten" request to the data companies as well as the marketers targeting you, and a "do not share" request to your bank, your state DMV, and everyone else that was involved in the transaction. HTH!


[–] IrishMASMS 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Do you have a throwaway email address that could be used instead, not connected to the accounts on that smartcard/yubikey? Perhaps put a phone number or PO box with the message "if lost please call/send to". This worked for me in a major city, where I dropped my swipe badge and transit card. A nice gentleman called me & we met up a block away to pass it back. I then verified the access has not been tampoered with, and asked for new cards (just in case).

[–] IrishMASMS 1 points 10 months ago

Hey @[email protected] what did you end up doing with the server? From where yo uar enow, we could provide some other ideas/directions to head.

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