Hate incarnon is among the very best
Yes 100%. Need to do it ASAP before API pricing kicks in. Also, the sub needs to be set to RESTRICTED and have posts redirecting to here. Redditors still don't know where to go, that this site even exists, etc.
Better plan: have a huge "we're migrating!" Series of posts to direct to here and make it read only.
Unfortunately I do not :( it was on a discussion from an article about Reddit standing firm on API changes iirc
You definitely just need to figure out how to detonate heavy attacks. Glaive Prime is the most damaging melee weapon in the game easily.
The default can also be set from your profile settings page.
Hey thanks for this! I just set mine to "hot" because that seems to have the most fresh content for me.
Potentially worded a bit abrasively but...kinda yeah. They rely so heavily on fomo, gacha, and other skinner box tricks to keep you playing other than FUN. Just remember what happened to Titanfall 2: "ohhh it was SO FUN it just didn't have the events and grinding and stuff I wanted >:( "
:( Phasmophobia not PLASMO
- Slots for weapons and Warframes
- A bunch of orokin reactors and catalysts
- When the need arises, affinity or resource booster for massive time savings (this is what helped me go ham and ascend ranks fast af)
- Resource boosters help you get more plat. How? Void traces or trading open world resources like I did.
I'm actually in awe of how well they handled this choice because each one of them has fantastic ironclad reasons why. I chose Lotus because I viewed her as wanting to "reclaim" that role for herself. She isn't Margulis, she isn't Natah anymore, she is the Lotus who protects and stabilizes the Origin system.
I think for now it's so early it doesn't matter all that much. Just have fun! You can make multiple accounts so why not
NO! I was an idiot teenager ages ago and got banned for it. Support unbanned me once they learned I was just dumb with the understanding I won't do it again. Learned my lesson and only buying legit now.