
joined 2 years ago
[–] ImInPhx 1 points 10 months ago

Congratulations on getting out!! Life is so much more vibrant living on your own terms :)

Man, my comment is 10 months old, I bet I stumbled in here from All. I prefer using All and blocking communities I’m not interested in instead of using Home where I only see what I’m subscribed to. Staying in Home doesn’t let me see interesting posts like this one!

[–] ImInPhx 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

Adding to this, it only seems to be an issue when I’m in small/compact mode. @techguy86 Is it the same for you?

And with that I noticed a potential inconsistency-

  • Settings (tab) > General > Display As > The choices are ‘Large’ and ‘Small’

  • Posts (tab) > Meatballs Menu > The choices are ‘Large’ and ‘Compact’

[–] ImInPhx 12 points 2 years ago

Also Dumb and Dumber!

Crazy that Jim Carrey put out three huge movies in one year!

[–] ImInPhx 16 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Thanks for sharing your story! In the spirit of creating content, I have a similarly opposite story.

I was raised Mormon, for those that don’t know, having a large family is a given. In my early 20’s I left all religion behind and began to create a life I wanted rather than one expected. I was a mess trying to establish my own morals, values, and goals.

At the same time of all this, I started dating a girl who had left Mormonism many years earlier. She was also childfree. Living with her, she provided the best environment for me to discover the life I wanted. She was my rock when I had no one else, literally. She was patient, understanding, and provided a much needed perspective from having a similar history. We dated for several years as I slowly deprogrammed and came into my own.

Coming back to the point of all this- a big struggle was trying to figure out whether I wanted kids, I was programmed to want kids, or didn’t want kids at all. This is a life changing decision after all. In the end, I realized I wanted kids because I wanted kids. The girl I was dating was supportive but with our incompatible lifestyles, we parted ways and remain good friends.

As for today, I married someone else (who also escaped Mormonism!) and have 3 kids. Because of the support I had, I now have the confidence to trust in myself and a healthy foundation to further understand myself as life changes.

[–] ImInPhx 5 points 2 years ago

Well, that done sound like a decent reason.

[–] ImInPhx 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

It’s been a long time but I used to play Realm of the Mad God pretty often. Looks like it’s no longer available to play in a browser though.

[–] ImInPhx 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Read the title, looked at the thumbnail and was impressed by the graphics of your pizza game! Opening the post I thought it was too realistic… and then saw your added details. Pizza game Hahahha!

It looks great! What’s your pizza oven set up like? I have a stone I use in my grill. It’s no pizza oven but it does a pretty good job.

[–] ImInPhx 5 points 2 years ago

Not exactly what you’re asking but possibly helpful-

I’ve found that ‘pairing’ the item of resistance to another established habit has been helpful. A decent example is putting my gym stuff on the bathroom counter. I have the habit of brushing my teeth in the morning and now I have my exercise clothes where I’m guaranteed to see them. It’s harder to make excuses and at this point you just gotta commit.

This might be more what you’re asking about-

I got the pairing idea from a great series on procrastination, Solving the Procrastination Puzzle by Tim Pychyl. The speaker takes the approach that resistance is not a matter of will power but a matter of emotional regulation. I recommend checking it out!

I listened to it on Waking Up but you might be able to find it elsewhere. Here’s a link to where I listened, free 30 days no credit card needed. (There is no incentive for me, just sharing what helped me)

[–] ImInPhx 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That's a lot of power!

I was reading while you can get other drives working, you'll regularly have warnings about incompatible drives. I have a stack of WD easystore 14TB external hard drives waiting to be shucked. The drive inside the first shucked is a WD140EDGZ-11B1PA0. I think they will work with the DS1823xs+but I have enough projects going on and just want something that works.

What has your experience been like? I see you used the Synology_HDD_db script. How painless was it? Did you run into any issues? Is there ongoing maintenance using non synology drives?

submitted 2 years ago by ImInPhx to c/selfhosted

Hoping someone has news on the rumored DS1823+.

I've been looking at the DS1821+ but would rather hold off if a refresh is right around the corner.

Lastly, I don't want to be locking into using Synology drives with the DS1823xs+.

[–] ImInPhx 2 points 2 years ago

Heh. I actually have all my other domains with porkbun and have had a great experience!

I setup my ddns domain with google before I moved to porkbun so I never looked at those features. I’m about to revamp a lot of my setup and now have more to do… I’ll check out inwx.

[–] ImInPhx 4 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Well shit, I guess I gotta start looking for a replacement. It’s one of the few Google services I still use.

Thanks for the heads up, must has missed that news.

[–] ImInPhx -3 points 2 years ago (10 children)

If you don’t mind that it’s Google, then Google Domains has exactly what you’re looking for.

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