Not arguing but curious. Could anything that escaped have a chance of becoming invasive?
Saved, for the next time I need to shift blame to someone else.
I feel like this is a new challenge.
- Go to target
- Walk up to target employee
- With a straight face ask the question making sure to use air quotes for emphasis
- See if either party can walk away from the conversation without smiling.
In the new study, the team focused on the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to ethylene, a widely used chemical that can be made into a variety of plastics as well as fuels, and which today is made from petroleum. But the approach they developed could also be applied to producing other high-value chemical products as well, including methane, methanol, carbon monoxide, and others, the researchers say.
No no no, see:
FBI Director Christopher Wray said that his sentence should serve as "a stark warning to all those entrusted with protecting national defense information: betray that trust, and you will be held accountable."
They mean business! For real this time. No take backs. While supplies last. Void in some states. Not all locations participate. Some restrictions apply.
Agree, and sadly he won the popular vote too (so far). It’s really bleak how many people don’t vote at all.
“This hurts me more than it hurts you”
One of these things is not like the other…
For the lazy: