Fondly remembered forever. As it was around 2000..
I still have one in a drawer! It's functional, but too old to use..
It was the perfect phone.
Central Europe and pint don't mix well.
Never use glossy displays for work.
There was a setting (or plugin?) to use a random skin on startup.
I have around 15 acres I work on. Mostly alone, with a tractor. I have let parts of it go wild.
I quit my day job, I have a sick father and brother to take care of.
Yes, farming is really hard work, and animals need attention all the time. My farm isn't making me any money, I get some subsidies though.
But my fruit trees are over an acre. I keep ducks, pigs and sheep. I have a woodlot. It all makes me happy, that's why I do it.
We still buy groceries, we could go 3 months without that. But I'm not a prepper.
Wait, 5 acres wouldn't be all vegetables! Fruit trees, grains, grassland all spread in time so you can work on them when your vegetables don't need attention.
insert The life of Brian pic
My first console was an Atari 2600 clone in 1994!
Eastern block vibes
I also think they are more economical. They don't waste heat as other types.
"persistent storage" is a thing.
But USB drives can't endure standard Linux for long. Too many logs and other files written all the time..
ZZ rules!