gotta have a scapegoat, don't know what they were thinking
joined 2 years ago
Thanks for the correction
Edit - I only dislike pedantry when it's repeatedly thrown in my face by the ex (/s), you weren't being pedantic IMO
Now that it involves they're kids, it's an issue
I love Xi's method of eliminating poverty, just let the party redefine the term!
POTUS got the thumbs-up emoji from SCOTUS
Considering that we have three seasons of a show called "F-Boy Island" on broadcast television, I'm not very suprised someone wants to make her a star
"Parental units malfunctioned"
That was way too short, not voting and it's all your fault
Just challenge him to see who can eat the most hamberders
That chickenshit coward needs to be quiet
Boy howdy, doing that to the CiC...not gonna be good for him
Edit- CiC is Biden
When I edit something, I make it separate from the main entry. Not sure when I picked that habit up, but there you go. Does the entry say "edited" on it, or does it look like a normal message? It shows as "edited" on my side.