Maybe it's not a metal that's ferrous?
Now we just have to get them to get jobs
My mom made me a Dr. Who scarf 40 years ago! Are you me?
The trouble is getting them to pay taxes
They should pluck them then draw them on real short
Call me crazy but maybe these MRI clinics should have walk thru metal detectors installed. Schools have them now, why wouldn't they?
Anything to keep from having to provide sex education, birth control, socialism!
Same here (am old man) but in the context of this post one can make the argument that pornography in general is reducing the population. Not necessarily a bad thing.
There are plenty of videos out there on body language or "non verbal communication". A common one which i picked up on long ago and to myself referred to as "the uppy/downy" look is what you want. It's a clue someone MIGHT be into you when they make eye contact, look away (usually down), then make eye contact again. Allegedly they are checking you out, looking away, then looking to see if you're still looking. It's fair to say it works both ways.
The world already knows Elon.
The people who pick our food are often migratory and follow the crops when they're ready to be picked. They don't rent apartments. When I was younger some of my friends went to Maine to rake blueberries, they lived in tents. They got paid by how much they produced and IIRC didn't have to pay federal taxes.
Nonsense you're wonderful!