I remember the first time I was at someone's house and they asked a visitor who who was about to light up to take it outside. It seemed so.odd. My mom, grandmother and aunts would sit around the dining room table with a thick haze. Nobody thought nothing of it
Does he think water rolls downhill on the map from north to south?
Life At A Snail's Pace
I've donated blood and plasma and each time I've been offered rewards but don't bother claiming them. I do it to help others. My job pays me enough to live on.
Maybe try to ween them off cable by cutting down to ultra basic cable. Still have access to local news.
Usually I warn my 81 year old dad about these scams. Don't think I need to worry about this one, he wouldn't be tech savvy enough to find the windows button
Looks fake
Yeah but developed a quick explanation for it: Industrial water treatment tech for HVAC. You know how having a swimming pool or hot tub requires some chemistry? I do that for water in boilers and cooling towers used to heat or cool big buildings
I think a part of the reason concerts are so expensive is big acts tour with an army of performers and stage hands to ensure the music sounds exactly like the recording. That's what the audience has come to expect.
"The person of interest was named as Joseph A. Couch, 32, according to Kentucky State Police and the Laurel County Sheriff's Office. He's described as white, 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighing 154 pounds." Police have not yet determined if there is a romantic connection to J.D. Vance
If it was Russia the whale would have fallen out a window
Occasionally I come across camps while fishing local rivers. Homeless folks tend to set up within walking distance of some kind of support like places that give out meals. I spotted a camp last fall across the river from me thinking it was a dumb place to set up. In a suburban park in full view of a paved trail. A few days later the newspaper ran an article about a woman dead from exposure being found inside