Not me but I was at a New Years Eve white elephant party where everyone brought something they were gifted but didn't want. Someone who had a relative that owned a video rental store (yeah 90's) brought a promotional press packet for a Steve Martin/Goldie Hawn movie. B&W glossy photos of the stars, photocopied excerpts of the script, bunch of crap stuffed into a cardboard folder. So basically they gifted their high end junk mail. As for me I got a flamingo costume
joined 2 years ago
According to the dateline, KXAN is the source of the news
That's from all the journalists in DC
The movie Tropic Thunder is what pushed it over the edge
Let's not rule out bladder cancer.
Got the boiler running in a church without heat (not my job). Handed out a few gift cards for Subway to panhandlers and gave a sleeping bag to a guy who looked like he could use it.
Ha! The bartender just asked if I was laughing at her
Ha! The bartender just asked if I was laughing at her
Maybe you should make sure this doesn't happen in other industrial countries before shitting on the US
Wait. I thought they didn't want foreigners coming into the US, doesn't this defeat the purpose of keeping them out?