My strategy for this year was to keep a text file on my phone where I kept a list of the people I intended to buy gifts for. Throughout the year whenever a good gift idea occurred to me I'd update the list. While this might not be what you had in mind as avoiding consumption, my plan was to give a gift that was useful as well as thoughtful. I don't want to give someone a cheap blob of plastic that will end up in the trash by the end of the month just to check a name off my list. I did buy one gift certificate for a locally owned microbrewery. In years past I've made Christmas ornaments that were tailored to the recipient but no good ideas came to me this year
TIL Festivus was created in 1966 by Daniel O'Keefe whose son wrote the Seinfeld episode that popularized it
I don't think this is earth shattering news. These companies identify when the audience is barely paying attention (to content and ads) and spits out the cheap stuff. I watch fly fishing and fly tying videos on YouTube and often fall asleep with it on. Then I wake up to the third hour of a professional bass fishing tournament. It happens a lot
TheTimex Sinclair (assembled) was marketed as the first home computer for under a hundred bucks ($99). A buddy of mine ran a BBS dedicated the Sinclair. He ran it on a Commador 64
I get thrilled when I get socks as long as they're merino wool
Wait. I thought they didn't want foreigners coming into the US, doesn't this defeat the purpose of keeping them out?
Not me but I was at a New Years Eve white elephant party where everyone brought something they were gifted but didn't want. Someone who had a relative that owned a video rental store (yeah 90's) brought a promotional press packet for a Steve Martin/Goldie Hawn movie. B&W glossy photos of the stars, photocopied excerpts of the script, bunch of crap stuffed into a cardboard folder. So basically they gifted their high end junk mail. As for me I got a flamingo costume
According to the dateline, KXAN is the source of the news
That's from all the journalists in DC
Huh, that's odd the link is blocked for me too and I don't have uBlock. It can be found on Tubi but for whatever reason the graphic for it has changed and "vs the devil" isn't shown making it tough to spot. I had to look it up on the JustWatch app and start it from there.