Was kinda hoping they'd be able to make Divinity III the sequel to Eco Draconis. They got the funds now to do a proper third person action RPG without publisher meddling.
If he didn't fire everyone except his H1B slaves this wouldn't be an issue.
Depressed? LOL don't be.
Thanks I'm cured.
The Simpsons song "just don't look" repeats endlessly in my head.
Probably the best piece of advice the Simpsons ever accidentally gave out. Imagine if we all did.
That's a spicy loaf
Let me tell you about this wonderful invention called video games...
Or pick up Masturbation (lol) Or go outside and make fists with your toes with bare grass (aka "touching grass" as the zoomers say) or Marijuana which is now legal in some states.
Lots of thing's you can do in those extra 8 hours.
Makes us more docile doesn't it?
That's why It won't happen and any attempt will be propagandized away (The lazy liberal woke work week).
How can I budget?
Stop buying graphics cards
Landlords are the first ones getting roped up.