
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Come to think of it, will employees be called x-men? Like the Zuck started refering to his employees as meta mates or whatever it was.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Oh no, i love the x-com games. They don't deserve to be the name sponsor for Elons weird platform.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Die Moderatoren dort machen betroffen, das ist ein anderer Durchhaltewettbewerb da ü30 Leuten mit versuchter Jugendsprache beim unironischen philosophieren über komplette Banalitäten zuzuhören. Zugegeben punktuell laufen mal paar gute Songs, je nach dem wer am Drücker ist. Aber Schnerzfreiheit ist auch hier angesagt beim Hörer, sind einfach andere Abgründe.

Radio in Deutschland ist einfach ne Zumutung. Wer digitales Radio hat kann Sunshine live noch mal auschecken. Ansonsten klingt alles im Autoradio gleich weichgespült, wozu wir dafür 50 Sender haben weiss ich auch nicht.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

So, personally i'm done wirh reddit. But i still go there every once in a while to target about ten very specific subs which aren't even remotely replicated in the fediverse for the foreseable future. See, there's this chatgroup i maintain with my not so ultra tech savvy parents and a handful of goofy dog/cat/bird videos a day brightens their work days with a minute of joy. They would never browse reddit or even the fediverse and this tradition came at basically no "extra cost" since i scrolled reddit any day anyways. Now i don't want to stop bettering their lives out of my idealism against reddit so i bite the bullet for now. I'm not engaging in reddit anymore, just go straight to some subs and that's about it. Since this is content often posted by casual users very much like my parents i doubt we will see a big influx of this kind of content in the fediverse any time soon, if ever. So yeah, i still go there.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

So, peronally i'm done wirh reddit. But i still go there every once in a while to target about ten very specific subs which aren't even remotely replicated in the fediverse for the fireseable future. See, there's this chatgroup we maintain with my not ultra tech savvy parents and a handful of goofy dog/cat/bird videos a day brigthens their work days. They would never browse reddit or even the fediverse and this tradition came at basically no "extra cost" since i scrolled reddit any day anyways. Now i don't want to stop bettering their lives out of my idealism so i bite the bullet for now. I'm not engaging in reddit anymore, just go straight to some subs and that's about it. Since this is content often posted by casual users very much like my parents i doubt we will see a big influx of this kind if content in the fediverse any time soon, if ever. So yeah, i still go there.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago

So you're saying you decline to take this business opportunity which could have made you rich for 15 years just to feel superior to us gaming-spaceage-mousepad plebs with your exclusive desk carpet? How dare you.