Isn't that implied in a Lower Decks episode That people mainly use the holodeck for the bathroom
Ah, that's the video I've been looking for
Thanks for this!
Now get the shorts in 30° weather dude and let them fight
Gotta love that "small government" the gop roots for
That's fair
3 and 8
Then I can Time Warp to the past and become a king! Or holy figure
One can only hope
I made a bag from some old jeans that didn't survive my bike lay down, it's manly as hell to reuse, repurpose, and recycle
They are also going in the night and pouring oil in and on the trees killing them and the ground around them. These are 100+ year old trees and the devastation of this will be felt for decades
Dear God, Cthulhu, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Shiva, Tiny Baby Jesus in His crib
All I ask for the next 2 years is universal healthcare, Henry Kissinger to die an embarrassing death, and this to be true
Seeing as how the lower deckers have shared communal space at all times when off duty, I too, would want a nice private place to spank the space monkey