The cash thing is becoming way less true. The toilets are legit magic though.
Stop beaver on beaver violence!
Skies out, thighs out
Every time this sub ends up in my feed I want to play Timberborn. I had no idea I loved beavers
I would like to subscribe to your beaver facts newsletter please
I want to give it a kiss. I wonder if they are soft or kind of wirey
I assume you are the artist. I actually like your art style, colors and characters. The issue is the lettering makes your comic less accessible. I think you are losing potential audience for what otherwise would be a fun comic.
They give exactly zero shits
After being sick with a terrible cough and realizing that the only good cough suppresent is a controlled substance I bet this shit worked great.
Some light does penetrate the skull. So not completely dark. Also the blood brain barrier is semi permeable, so not completely sealed.
Too cute
Fag Hag is approved, continue with your fabulous self