EDIT: I'm putting my edit at the top of the post because it's clear I'm dealing with people with rather limited comprehension. What you clowns fail to realize is that my post is a warning to the Democratic party because I, as a life long Democrat, see them as being utterly fucken lost in sharing their message for the future and in sharing their current successes to average Joe's. Here, let me spell it out to you: this is not a pro-Republican post. Fuck every last thing about the GOP. Clearly, you buffoons can't understand that concept. Yes, this administration has many successes, but what you are not understanding is that middle America doesn't know that. That's because Democrats are awful st reminding people what they've accomplished. They are terrible with communicating with people in terms of what their vision for the future is. Average Joe's don't follow the news all that closely. And they follow political news even less. They need to be endlessly reminded WHY Democrats are better for them, for their wallet, for the country and even the planet. There are accomplishments right now that Republicans fight tooth and nail to stop, and after they somehow got passed, those same Republicans went home and took credit for them. They did this with the infrastructure bill. How can they get away with that? Because Democrats don't advertise their successes. Just the other day was a doom and gloom article on how so many Americans think the economy is in the toilet, when it really isn't. The economy is legitimately good well, but perception is not because Democrats have lost the ability to send a message out to voters. The only time you see them on the news is when they are endlessly wasting time on nonsense social issues for groups that represent a few percentage points of the total population, all while the majority of folks are out there, looking around and wondering when are Democrats going to think about them. Clearly this is too complicated for some of you retards to understand.
Hey Democrats, keep pushing that bullshit social agenda and blindly focusing on tiny fringe minority groups, instead of taking care of economic issues, and this won't be the last time a defection happens.
There are a whole lot of people who don't see economic policies from the Dems and are sick and tired of seeing elected officials endlessly waste all their time and political capital on non-issues.
Focusing on what the pronoun du jour is will end up handing Trump a second term.
Reading some of these replies in here are cringe as fuck. Not because I don't agree with the overall sentiment, but rather in the fact that you guys don't know what language to use. In essence, you don't know your audience. Speak in the language that your audience can relate to.
When she says that her pay is dependent on the company performance, the reply isn't to talk about worker this and worker that. The correct reply to that is to point out that GM stock has been essentially flat for the last 4 years. Her job as CEO is to increase value for stockholders. Stockholders haven't seen a 40% increase in 4 years. So if shareholders haven't seen a 40% increase in that time, then how is she justifying her pay increase.
And ultimately, her pay isn't determined by her. It's determined by the board of directors. And there lies the problem with all these out of control CEO salaries.... it doesn't cost anything for a director to increase some CEO's pay. It's not taken out of their pocket. It doesn't affect them directly in any way, so to them it's like monopoly money. You get a raise, and you get a raise and you get a raise. Every CEO gets a raise because the director that approves one CEO's pay might be the CEO of another company who's director is the other CEO who just got a raise. You scratch my back, and you scratch mine.