I've been digging 'Dungeon crawler Carl' Definitely listen to it. I went into it knowing nothing, just based on a reddit comment. Was fantastic. Next book in the series comes out in a few days
joined 2 years ago
Omg yes. This is magnificent!
Yes, this show was amazing.
Merely a gateway drug to Factorio
I remember the first iphone I ever saw. I was at the airport waiting in the security line, some lady a few people up was checking the weather at her destination. There was a dozen of us having our minds blown huddled around her. Smart phones, blessing and a curse.
Will do, my bad.
Making freinds!!
Lol I did. She's a terror when she wants to be. Knocking shit over etc. You'd think I'd be in charge of things seeing as I have 108lbs on her. But here we are...
Aww such a handsome boy
Yes and no. Like I said I went into this series almost blind as to what it was. I thought I had discovered this whole new generation of literature (litrpg) I could dive into.
But alas, there are so many absolutey horrible books out there in the litrpg world. Dungeon crawler Carl is really the only one I could recommend. I really hate to poop on anyone's parade who's into it, but that's how I feel. It's still a youngish thing, so I keep an eye on new series. But so far nada.
Like I said before, the audio book here is the way to go here.