
joined 1 year ago
[–] Harpsist 1 points 8 months ago

Yeah what I just typed would've gotten me. Banned.

[–] Harpsist 4 points 8 months ago

It's been about 10 years for me now.

I audiobooked them.

I wouldn't have been able to do the first book except it was the only thing to entertain me for 7 hours in a drive.

Got into it obviously.

The whole 'when humans die they release creativity' or something. It was a big deal in my mind. I still think of it.

The whole 'human save states' was cool. But I legit don't remember any of the characters from that side of the story. I think they all got fucked up by invasion or something? Greek heros or some thing? Honestly that whole side plot never tickled me right.

Weird seeds that infected people and turned them into immortal bound beings? Fuck yes. Bring it on.

Something about time travel ruins?

A woman who comes back in time to set things up only to be out of time to make up for lost time.

Teleportation murder machines.

Everything else is fuzzy at best.

How'd I do?

[–] Harpsist 4 points 8 months ago

This must be the American side of the boarder eh?

[–] Harpsist 6 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Make sure you pay the lawyer in cut up tissue paper with period blood on it in Lou of actual "monies". Oh and leave an upper decker for them for giving power to the lizards people rules.

[–] Harpsist 4 points 8 months ago

Did it not live YEARS past its expected time?

Any chance the rover can like... Repair it?

[–] Harpsist 10 points 8 months ago (2 children)

That is not what future generations are going to complain about.

Capitalism run crazy? Yes. Fuck billionaires.

Government owned by corporations? Again. Fuck billionaires.

Destroyed eco system in the name of short term profits. Again. Fuck the rich.

Pedeophile rings at all levels of government. This time don't fuck them. That's what they're doing to kids.

Pandemic treaties? Well we wouldn't need them if our basic supplies were met. So once again


[–] Harpsist 1 points 8 months ago

Even with things THAT I AM. I am labeled an enemy because I bother to point out things that WE want and expect that are illogical in every sense.

For instance. I have some Jewish heritage. I bother to post publicly about how my Jewish polish grandparents didn't live through a holocaust just so their country could go and do it another one... So obviously I'm a Nazi loving anti-Semitism.

I make some comments about sexuality. I grew up a very feminine man who experimented with being bi (but honestly - pussy is best). So the odd timei chime in with comments (right here in this thread in fact!) I get called out for being un-inclusive or what not.

Making enemies of everyone who isn't zealously behind your every whimsical desire is not a good way to go through life for anyone. And it certainly isn't helping the people who already want you dead.

But don't listen to me. Because I present as a straight white married cis male.

There's another thing. I dunno what a cis or sis is. Don't label me something and then get upset when I say "no I'm not". Because that's exactly how LGBTQY2# were treated for decades. How quickly they forget.

Anyway. I'm probably banned in this sub anyway and this probably won't post.

[–] Harpsist 3 points 8 months ago

Yup. In a folder. On an external hard drive.

[–] Harpsist 3 points 8 months ago

I did eventually figure out how to get it. It didn't help that it is not the title of the book.

I have since learned how to use a few functions with searches that make it much easier.

But thank you for pointing out my flaws.

[–] Harpsist 9 points 8 months ago

Sledding down a hill. I thought the bottom someone had made a ramp.


Giant frozen pothole.

Soon as we hit it I HEARD something snap in back. We flew up in the air. And landed - on ice - I landed on my ribs.

I have managed to injure my spine AND my ribs.

[–] Harpsist 5 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I had similar issues looking for a movie titled space 1999.

I kept getting every movie made in 1999 or that had the word space in it.

I eventually found it... At the library...

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