If you want more content from those creators watch Little Demon. Danny DeVito plays Satan.
Can you explain it for me?
I already get enough soy nutrients because tofu is delicious
I tried soy milk before I tried oat milk because soy was the only cruelty free milk I knew about. But I eventually tried all the varieties and determined that oat milk tastes the best.
How come you're saying "real milk" when you mean "breast milk"?
I only see two options: almond milk and breast milk
Isn't it obvious that a people who work to better society would do more altruistic work?
That article lists it as a mosquito repellant and a salve, not as a fuel. I was careful to use the phrase "petroleum fuel". Oil as a mosquito repellant doesn't contribute to global warming.
It didn't exist yet. I don't believe that petroleum fuel existed at the same time as any independent communist society, which contradicts your claims. If you would like to support your claim that some communist civilisation used petroleum, it seems to me you should name a communist society which maintained independence after the industrial revolution.
The primary motive to pollute was the profit motive of fossil fuel companies, and automotive manufacturers. Today, the biggest argument against closing mines is jobs, and the biggest argument for cars is getting to work. A communist system has universal basic income. Better planned neighbourhoods such as the Soviet 15 minute cities would also reduce transport emissions, though the soviets were not communist. There should exist no such thing as mining or energy companies, and under communism, that's the case.
The Haudenosaunee did not use petroleum.
I hate Disenchantment because I like Bean and I don't like seeing her suffer.