This is such BS. They claim there are challenges with testing whether or not Denuvo causes performance issues but aren't there 100s of games with Denuvo that have been cracked that clearly perform better than the legitimate versions? They talk about either the devs doing it or they themselves doing it but people don't want to publish the results. If the results are that there is no performance hit, then surely that's something everyone would want to show. It obviously does hit performance which is why they won't publish it.
They also say Denuvo helps developers save up to 20% of revenue that they would not have otherwise received due to piracy. How do they even know that? You can't compare two different games and you can't release the same game twice for people to buy twice. The fact that they also say "up to" suggests this is also bollocks!
You don't understand because you're not as smart as this guy. This guy has great taste and a deep understanding of what good music is. It's everyone else on the planet in the last 50 years who are wrong :/