
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 4 points 1 hour ago

Then they sign the "To Aid Tinnitus Effectiveness" act, making it mandatory for schools and libraries to put Tate’s podcast on repeat at maximum volume as a way of "enhancing learning capabilities", if silence feels good it must be woke!


The hospital was located in the Netzarim Corridor, which splits Gaza in two and was controlled by Israeli troops for most of the 17-month-long war.


"Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone."

[–] 6 points 11 hours ago

Sometimes I like not being human

[–] 5 points 12 hours ago

Using the word "dumb" is downplaying what their administration truly stands for.

They are smart, wealthy and powerful. Let’s look at them for what they are.

[–] 53 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

"Justice Department leaders say they are also investigating whether Columbia hid students sought by the U.S. over their roles in the demonstrations."

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes


Columbia University has capitulated to Trump Administration demands in order to secure federal funding. The major concessions are as follows. 

> Columbia will ban masks on campus during protests.

> The University will hire 36 more on campus police officers.

> The Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Departments will be placed under Academic Receivership for 5 years, meaning the departments will be run by an outside group while the existing staff will be put under their control.

> The University will adopt a "position of institutional neutrality".

> The University will hire more Jewish academics for its Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies in order to counter balance pro-Palestinian staff.

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

From my personal experience, it truly depends.

Yesterday I got called mentally impaired for stating gun violence was an American problem, not purely a republican issue.

[–] 5 points 20 hours ago

Carrefour has branches in israel

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

I probably found the source of this quiproquo… ಥ_ಥ

[–] 2 points 23 hours ago (3 children)

The individual was probably referencing Disney World and their unique governance arrangements with the state of Florida mainly the CFTOD.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I just looked into this, and yeah, Disney has definitely tried to build their own cities. They had the original EPCOT concept in the 60s, interesting to think about how these experiments could probably be the influence of Thiel’s project, I’m guessing he will try to use a similar framework but this time with the administration and population full support.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Indeed, I’m just quite cynical when it comes to Disney due to their recent lobbying of homophobic politicians, but yeah, right now everything is better than the other options…

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