It looks like 90s tv sci-fi artwork that would show on screen for a few seconds to tell the viewer that we’re on an alien planet at an important building
The hell are you doing that shreds your fingers
I read what you said as hyperbolic, but generally dismissive of the idea that characters in media have sex appeal and/or vicarious romance appeal,
Of course I was being hyperbolic…
often generally, and often to such an extent that it drives people to make and share their own erotic spin offs.
…but jfc you’re adding layers to this that no one else even mentioned and then building off of those layers to have your own weird anime rants
No shit sex sells - that was never the contention
The point of my original comment was poking fun of the vibes I got from the comment I replied to which felt like “there’s no need for sex or romance in media anymore when you can watch porn so easily”
— Copy of my other comment from this thread
Word on the street is that if you don’t reply you’ll get fired.
My wife just got one and sent me this right after
Posted with her approval ofc
Maybe I’m too cooked right now to give this reply the attention it deserves but this was a trip.
Like did my original comment give you the impression that I didn’t know people rule 34 every goddamn thing possible?
Maybe I’m really old but you suggesting that anime is the reason we stuff sex into shit is just so funny to me. I once heard someone say “every generation is the first generation to think they invented sex.”
The comment I replied to was like why romance if porn exist which was also funny
Anyways if I misread your comment then my bad it’s been a day
Word on the street is that if you don’t reply you’ll get fired.
My wife just got one and sent me this right after
Posted with her approval ofc
My wife just got one of those emails and it’s hilarious
This email has been received from outside of DOl - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding.
[EXTERNAL] What did you do last week?
Please reply to this email with approx 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager
Please do not send any classified information, links, or attachments
Deadline is this Monday at11:59pmEST.
This has been me playing Avowed this week.
I got twelve hours in before I decided to cut my losses and realize that it likely wouldn’t get better.
It had alright reviews so at each step I kept going “oh it’s probably just me… I’m sure after this chapter the next one is where things get interesting.”
Personally I try to get through the whole episode of family guy before I man handle my ham candle
lol are you equating romance in media to porn
Like do you watch the x files and whip out some porn every time the two mains chars have romantic tension
This feels like such a non issue because games and movies these days have basically zero sex appeal or romance
It was a pleasant surprise that you could romance people in BG3
My brother and dad are both pastry chefs. Since the Great Recession they both claim to be recession indicators.
Anyways, with spring/summer coming they’re both saying how things feel off and their GMs are crunching on spending.