How did this western societal idea of how a man should act, and what emotions are appropriate to show come about? How far back in western history does this idea of limiting men’s ability to emote honestly go? And how did these ideas change over time?
It’s interesting to me because I feel like these traditional and limited roles that western society puts on men (and women) are just that traditions. That it’s just something “that we do because past generations did them.” So my curiosity is why did past generations have these societal rules in place? was there a legitimate reason for it, did having men be almost robotic even in the privacy of his home and around his family have some necessary and important reason? If so is that still necessary today?
Edit: had this posted on c/asklemmy but it was suggested this was a better place for this question.
It's true that politicians don't usually lead, they look to the voting base to see what they can do. I think the issue right now is that there isn't (yet) a unifying leader that can mobilize a big enough population of people to make it impossible for the media to ignore. while I think smaller protests have their place they are useless if they don't move to something bigger. And something bigger - that being millions of people filling the streets of multiple cities - won't happen without a big charismatic leader like Martin Luther King, jr.
Yet the middle of the road, center right democrats that hold power see this as a challenge to their control. They only have to look to how the GOP was hollowed out by a big charismatic leader in trump. The more "moderate" republicans lost control to the more extreme right - the moderate democrats don't want that and will do what they can to hold down that yet unknown person from gaining a voice for the left.