
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 6 hours ago

It is offered with an outstretched arm, which is similar to other fascist, right-wing extremist organizations, and represents a stylized wolf's head: the outstretched fingers are the ears, the other fingers form the snout. The deceased founder Alparslan Türkeş, who is worshipped as Başbuğ, is mystically revered.

Grey Wolves is the name given to Turkish right-wing extremists such as members of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) or the Great Unity Party (BBP). They have committed numerous acts of violence and murders in the past, especially in the 1970s.

In Germany, the party is represented by three umbrella organizations, which include around 303 clubs nationwide with more than 18,500 members. This makes it the largest right-wing extremist organization in Germany.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Zum Auftakt ermöglichen der überwiegende Teil der Sparkassen sowie Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken in Deutschland mit Wero mobile Zahlungen von einem Handy auf das andere. Ab 2025 soll man mit Wero auch online und ab 2026 im Einzelhandel bezahlen können.

atmet schwer in DKB

Ich hoffe noch immer dass wir uns von den US Payment Prozessoren eines Tages verabschieden können. In weiten teilen von Asien kann jeder 1zu1 in Sekunden digital Geld überweisen ohne Banking-Limitation. Vielleicht wird die Einführung des digitalen Euro in den nächsten 3-6 Jahren dem ganzen nochmal mehr Schwung geben. Visa, MasterCard und Paypal sollten nicht nötig sein, damit ich für eine Hähnchen-Flute vom Bäcker meiner Kollegin 4,20 EUR zurückgeben kann.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Brennend heißer Sommerstyle,

nur dass wir grad Februar ham

Jeder weiß es is höchste Zeit

doch keiner geht vom Gas

Wie weit wollt ihr gehn

und wie lang schaut ihr zu?

Wenn die Erde brennt

habt ihr dann endlich genug?

Mono & Nikitaman

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

There was also one in Paris as part of the Moulin Rouge Garden Party that was apparently designed with inspiration from the Coney Island one.

Whilst digging, I also learned that the giant structure had been inspired by James V Lafferty’s “Elephantine Colossus”, a seven-story tourist attraction and hotel built on Coney Island in 1885, pictured below.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

We really have to stop taking this authoritarian clown serious. He might have ICBM, but his demands are so outrages and so far away from reality, that he cant be taken serious. He is a Bully offering his victim a week of not-bullying, if he gets big parts of his lunchmoney and demands that his victim is not getting into a clique that could protect him from the bulling. That is a really bad deal.

Russians have lost reality since 1991. Most Russians define their country as a world power. How can they still think they are on par with America or China when it comes to worldpolitics and strength. It is straight delusional. They are on one step with North Korea.

Do not give Russia one Inch. We increased the sanctions bit by bit. Russia did not respond in any sane way. Let them rot. I lose my patients with a bully that is that stubborn. They will falter sooner or later and we documented their downward spiral for anyone who has questions in history class in the next 30 years. Imagine getting dealt the cards putin had in 2000, and find yourself 24 years later in this dead end street. What a loser. You could have been the Asian Canada... and he choosed to grift from his own country and play power games. Fuckin Moron. Learned nothing.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 weeks ago

How dare the west not letting him murder, rape and pillage through countries. What should he do? Build his country up internally and propel it to prosperity? That is not the russian way of doing things.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago (3 children)

There is a lot of smearing and positioning going on right now of people calling her a saint and people positioning her as a devil. Can you in your own words try to explain what she is standing for in you eyes and what you think, how the country might change under her rule?

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

Donald Trump, 2018

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

George Orwell, 1949

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

Pack. The. Court!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

this man tunes

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Thursday is a Holiday in Germany, so many will take the Friday off as a bridge-day for a long weekend. That means that Wednesday is this weeks Friday. And as we all know that "Thursday is the small Friday", todays Tuesdays is basically the small Friday of the week and this Tuesday is almost already at lunchtime, so there is no much incentive to start things, now that the weeks is almost over. I will arrange things on my table for two more hours and then prepare on this Tuesday for next weeks Monday. PS: I am exhausted

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