
joined 2 years ago
[–] Glitterkoe 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Well, it's meant as an introductory paragraph. I think such a general paragraph should not go to those lengths since the vast majority won't be facing that issue. Most large instances that you would recommend for first timers are federated well enough that at least the civilised part of Lemmy is very accessible. I think that with:

  • sensible defaults/suggestions
  • easy to understand intro
  • a help/link to a detailed article

you cover enough for users who can't be bothered, who want to be informed, and those who want to understand what's going on behind the scenes.

[–] Glitterkoe 2 points 5 days ago

Yes, very much in favor of sensible defaults for first timers. Most frontends/apps support multiple accounts anyway so changing/adding more later on really shouldn't be a problem

[–] Glitterkoe 13 points 5 days ago (8 children)

I think they should stick to the "email provider" analogy. Whole paragraph should be something like:

The only thing you need to start interacting with the Fediverse is an account with one of the many providers, just like with email! Providers are freely available across the globe: pick one that suits your location or interests best! You can start browsing the content of nearly the entire Fediverse from whatever provider you choose. Don't worry, you can always create an account with a different provider later.

You could add a sentence or two about where to find sensible defaults or link an article that explains the more subtle things.

I think the emphasis on instances (and not naming them the more familiar providers) hinders adoption.

[–] Glitterkoe 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Someone's been binging 30Rock

Considering Welch Tuning System (
submitted 1 week ago by Glitterkoe to c/drums

Has anyone here tot any experience with the WTS drums? I'm in the market for a new set of shells and although I'm usually a TAMA guy, these shells look like a blast to play around with. The Sweetwater demo and Sounds Like A Drum coverage on YouTube look and sound promising.

[–] Glitterkoe 5 points 1 week ago

But in the end it's just as with email: providers, spam filters and clients. Some providers have stricter spam filters (~federation), some might prefer another client. Has there been any significant reason to deviate from that terminology?

Meaningful discovery is a major issue in adoption, though. Pro: no search/discovery algorithm that serves some evil plan of world enshittification. Con: no search/discovery algorithm.

[–] Glitterkoe 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

This would make it an instant favorite for me! I think most people would be fine with limited developer interaction as long as they can post/discuss issues, but would be more comfortable with the project being open source.

[–] Glitterkoe 4 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you, very informative thread. I'm not accustomed to exploring the modlog, but this clears up some frustration. I'm grateful for the community having mods that care and can understand some issues just becoming to prevalent.

[–] Glitterkoe 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

But what if the concept itself is the subject? Context: during someone's quest for a good OS keyboard, the FUTO one was falsely (or probably just naively) presented as an alternative. That comment thread was moderated to bits, but another user was interested enough to start a topic "Thoughts on FUTO keyboard?" which to me suggests they want to learn more about the matter and why it might or might not be OSI compliant. I dove into all mentioned articles in that thread to learn why and lo and behold the entire post was removed before I could thank the useful comment(er)s there. By removing that, other users can't benefit from that discussion if they weren't quick enough.

[–] Glitterkoe 2 points 2 weeks ago

That was my first interaction, but I've noticed it for other topics as well.

[–] Glitterkoe 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That would be my last resort, indeed. I just want to try open discussion first.


Why is any informational discourse regarding anything not strictly OSI-style open source immediately removed by moderators in this community? How can we expect people to educate themselves through censorship instead of public discussion? I'm looking for an open source licensing strategy for my own startup company and discussing the do's, don'ts or even perception of different licenses and strategies seems highly important to the community to me. I could understand if it was actively promoting something 'bad' or wouldn't mind having clear tags or disclaimers that underline what is or isn't strictly OSI but it feels a bit too rigorous right now 😕

[–] Glitterkoe 0 points 2 weeks ago

Whoa, I found the discussion rather insightful 😕

Noodgevallen en beheer (self.feddit_nl)
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Glitterkoe to c/[email protected]

Laat ik vooropstellen dat ik enorm blij ben dat er al een redelijk bevolkte Nederlandse Lemmy instance bestaat. Maar met instances als deze of bijvoorbeeld bekruipt mij toch altijd het gevoel dat het risicovol is met één persoon als beheerder. Moet de instance dan 'gewoon' verlaten worden in de hoop dat een nieuwe opkomt als de beheerder uit beeld raakt of wat dan ook?

Hoort deze fase van instances gewoon bij het zijn van 'early adopter'? Ik zou het heel vet vinden om een stichting of iets anders op te richten of te sponsoren als die zich in zou zetten voor een NL rijtje gefedereerde services met behoorlijke statuten die de gebruikers beschermen. Ik betaal daar met liefde en plezier een (vrijwillige) subscriptie voor van een paar € per jaar.

Of bestaat dit al?


Hey there!

I'm looking to move my documentation over to MkDocs (+Material Theme), but I'm struggling to integrate testable code examples. Does anyone have a workflow for this?

Main requirements:

  • Testable. Want to make sure my examples work as intended.
  • Continuable code fences (i.e. some regular Markdown in between chunks of code)


  • Formatting
  • Output checking (otherwise, regular asserts will do)

I would have thought Python to have near first-class support for this, but there doesn't seem to be a clear winner as far as plugins go.

Any ideas?

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